man fanning out his money and hiding his face behind it

Equal Pay for Equal Work – Gender Equity Law for Colorado

Please note that starting January 1, 2021, the State of Colorado has implemented the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act. This act covers a number of requirements and prohibitions for employers in order to prevent pay disparities. Specifically, we want to draw employers’ attention to several critical components:  

  1. Employers are required to disclose in each job posting the hourly or salary compensation range along with the general description of benefits and other potential compensation  
  1. Employers are prohibited from requesting wage rate history of a perspective employee or requiring it as a condition of employment  
  1. Employers are required to maintain records of job descriptions and wage rate history for each employee while employed and for 2 years after employment ends  

Further information on this act and which employers must abide by these regulations can be found here. If you have additional questions, please connect with your organization’s Human Resources department or legal counsel. 

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