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Versatile PhD Online Community for Non-academic and non-faculty careers

You have to join this resource but it is free.

Our PhD Career Finder is an interactive tool that lists and describes non-academic careers for PhDs in your discipline, with suggestions for how to prepare – all from the PhD perspective.

Our threaded discussion boards are well-populated with qualified, helpful people, some at your stage and others farther along. The Versatile PhD community is special because of its richness of experience, compassionate tone, and privacy – nothing shows up in Google.

Members frequently post jobs that they feel are appropriate for PhDs and ABDs. The flow varies but seems to average about 50 jobs a month. Jobs can be viewed on the site or you can subscribe to email notifications of humanities/social science jobs, STEM jobs, or both.

Our 85,000+ members across the US and Canada constitute a rich resource for networking. Use the searchable Membership Directory to identify possible contacts in employment sectors that interest you.
Spending time with others in your situation relieves loneliness, develops relationships and can even help you get your post-academic career started. Local meetups happen across the US and Canada, organized by Versatile PhD volunteers.

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