Topic: Career Exploration

person biking and looking at mountains

Colorado Industries

Discover more about the 14 main industries in Colorado including the major employers in that field. Advanced Manufacturing Aerospace Bioscience Creative Industries  Defense & Homeland

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row of flags from around the world

International Career Guide

Learn about international careers from the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs.  Find out about a career in conflict resolution, human rights and international law, development and relief, environmental sustainability, trade policy and more! 

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laptop resources

Data Science Guide

Learn about the fundamentals of data science through this website.  This site covers what data science is, what data scientists do, and how to pursue data science as a career path. 

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laptop and notepad on a table next to a coffee cup

Online Education Checklist provides a guide to online school considerations. Use this resource to consider factors that may impact the online schools you consider for future education.

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student with small yellow bird on her hand

Zoology Major to Career Roadmap

This resource will help you explore the career options related to zoology, as well as provide you with the steps to consider during your college years so that you are prepared for your career or graduate school.

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