Topic: Professional Development

LinkedIn Learning CSU

LinkedIn Learning

Great news—CSU students now have access to LinkedIn Learning for free!  This online educational platform has more than 5,000 courses to help you develop knowledge

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Blackberry Bramble

Directory of Tribal and Native Organizations

Native organizations and tribes have career resources that are sent out within their community.  Check out this directory of regional intertribal organizations and national native organizations to find groups that you identify with.

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business women group photo

Institute for Entrepreneurship

Learn how to make your business idea a reality! The Institute for Entrepreneurship at CSU provides free programming for all CSU students, faculty, staff, and Colorado community members.  These programs help you get your venture off the ground by looking at who your customer is, building a business model, building a prototype, understanding your competition, creating marketing and financial plans, and more! 

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woman reading a book

Northern Colorado Writers

Are you a writer living in Northern Colorado?  Check out Northern Colorado Writers, a group designed to provide support for writers of all levels through meetings, classes, conferences, networking, and social events. 

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paintbrushes and paint

Springboard for the Arts

Springboard for the Arts is an economic and community development organization for artists and by artists. Use their site to identify job and internship opportunities, explore fellowships and sponsorships, and discover professional development offerings–all designed specifically for artists!

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