Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Toolkit

For Employers

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What is the toolkit?

  • Our best attempt to help provide organizations the tools to recruit diverse students, as well as be equipped to fully support those students as employees
  • To help support our employer partners’ recruiting goals and promote Ram talent


The Career Center Team is by no means an expert in any of the following content areas. We instead are eager to learn alongside you about how your organization promotes diversity and inclusion.

We expect that this toolkit will shift and adapt to upcoming needs as our understanding of how it shows up in office cultures evolves.

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Toolkit Hopes & Goals

  • Provide a starting point for employers to begin (or expand) designing and implementing inclusive recruitment and retention practices
  • Provide ideas about how to engage your organization in conversations around diversity and inclusion
  • Provide context
  • Encourage you to ask additional questions about the strategies we use
  • Give you insight into the student populations you might be aiming to recruit
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Career Center Mission

We support and equip CSU students and alum to discover and pursue their goals. We do this by honoring their identities and experiences, challenging systemic barriers, and intentionally engaging with campus partners and employers

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Why Hire a Diverse Workforce?

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CSU's Institutional Data

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Engaged Employer Series